Thursday, August 29, 2013

Making Money with Your Phone Pt. 2

Follow me on twitter: @iphonemoneyi

Scanning while Shopping 
There are three apps that I find useful while shopping that require scanning of items. Jingit, CheckPoints, and ShopKick

The first one I'm going to talk about is Jingit which can be found in the App Store. Using this app you will be directed to stores in your area with items that are being promoted and you then can as they call it "check-in" by finding the items and scanning the barcodes with the camera on your mobile device. One thing that is a bonus to this app is that you can also watch short advertisements both on your mobile device and also on a laptop or desktop computer and earn even more money. Finally, another large bonus is that the money is transferred to your bank account and you are awarded with a jingit debit card to use as you please with your earned funds. 

The second, Shopkick is also an app in the AppStore. It is used by locating stores in your area and then scanning the items barcodes with your phone. The bonus of this app is that you can like things and make books of the items you like almost like a Pinterest type of thing. Another reward you get by using this app is what the app calls "Walk-ins" which are points awarded just for entering a participating location, these are usually large retailers like Walmart, Target, Shopko, and many others. 

Saving the best for last, my favorite of the three is CheckPoints, this app like the others is used by scanning barcodes to earn points. But the really interesting part of this app is the lotto, you can earn tokens, to play the slots or scratchers, by either scanning items or buying them with your points. The largest prize you can win is worth around 500$ worth of points. 

Earning Microsoft Points

Before we start I want to direct you to check out this link:

Follow me on twitter: @iphonemoneyi
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Earning Microsoft Points 

Last year playing Madden13 I needed lots of Microsoft points to buy packs when I got into a slump. But with the help of these few apps I was able to easily free myself from those slumps. 
First off, Feature Points.

This app is pretty easy to use. All you have to do is to download apps and you are awarded points which quickly accumulate into rewards. A 400 point Microsoft Card could be made in a matter of 1-2 hours. Referring friends is a way to make this process a lot easier or effortless. My referral link is right here ( using this will start you of with an easy 50 points to start. 

Making Money with Your Phone Pt.1

Follow me on twitter: @iphonemoneyi

Feature Points

One thing I like to do is to find apps that make it easy to earn money in some instances that even pretty much do the work for you. 

Last year alone I probably made close to 500$ using the app, App Trailers, but as of late it has fallen off substantially. I now like to use a similar app called Feature points to do basically the same thing. 
The Feature Points app awards you for downloading apps to you're phone from the iTunes App Store. You can find the app by searching "feature points" on your browser or following my link to award me a referral ( This is quite easy. 

Also, you may refer people and this will give you half of all the points they earn. For example if your referred friend downloads an app that awards 200 points you will receive 100 points and they will earn their 200 points. So referring enough consistent users could potentially relieve you from putting zero effort into your earnings.

The rewards consist of almost anything you could want, there are Microsoft Points, iTunes cards, Amazon gift card, Google Play, you can download apps that are paid apps in the App Store for free and finally you can even connect your Paypal account and send your earnings directly to your bank account. 

Method: The method I use to earn points is quite easy, I open the app and start the download on around 10 apps and then open them and start playing or searching or whatever the app is for because you need to give your app a little while to register and as one download finishes and the next starts you can check out the app that just finished. The 10 apps usually net about 1,000 points minimum and you can download as many apps that are offered. Those 10 downloads might take a half hour. If you earn about 3,000 points which would probably take a little over an hour, you'd have made 5$ so for every 3,000 you've earned 5$. 

So I suggest using that method as it is the easiest way to earn quickly. Thanks for reading. And good luck.